yay Christmas yay
It's Christmas time yet again! The apartment is looking festive (thanks for getting the tree, Jamie!), and finals are steadily approaching. I have yet to start my Christmas shopping...and probably won't start until after finals. :-P It's weird to start shopping for Christmas before my birthday anyway.
The prize for absolute weirdest trend of the season goes to: upside down Christmas trees. No, it's not considered an anti-Christmas movement, it's supposed to be the "in" thing, touted as a revival of an "age old European tradition." I'm wondering why it didn't catch on back then, if it's so great... The main reason for its popularity is the amount of space it leaves free as opposed to traditional trees, therefore being a new alternative for those in small apartments, and leaving more room for gifts. I would say that the real reason for the appeal is the novelty of it, since everyone is looking for that holiday decoration that the neighbors will envy. They're sold out everywhere, though, which means they could soon become a trend like icicle lights or lighted reindeer in the yard: they're new, then everyone has them, then everyone gets tired of them and they only people left with them are the rednecks who keep their decorations up year round.
Here at the Diva studio, Alan the engineer says he came up with the idea while he was in college, and that they stole his idea. I don't see that argument standing up in court, but I'll believe him. Ashly and I sure can't afford one of the upside down trees to put in the Diva studio, but we may just buy a small tree and stick it to the ceiling. Look, we're trendy! :-) You can check out the upside down trees on sale at Target.com.
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