Silvertide rocks my face off!
So I got an amazing opportunity Wednesday. One of my all-time favorite bands, SILVERTIDE, came into Baton Rouge to play a show at Clicks! My day with them began around 4:30 in the afternoon when they showed up at the Rock studio, where I was setting up some jambalaya for them. I introduced myself sorta like this: "Hi Walt, I'm Lauren...Hi, Nick, I'm Lauren..." Yeah, I think they figured at first they'd met me last time they came in town, but I wasn't able to come then. Anyway, they did the most amazing acoustic set ever in the rock studio for Tasha's show. Then they signed my cd insert (or whatever it's called). Walt even answered my question about the correlation between their song "Nothing Stays" and Robert Then he told me about his suicidal turtle as he threw the spear at Kevin that he'd taken from the rock studio and would later on use in their, but I digress. So that night, me and my friend Brandon went to the concert. The opening bands pretty much sucked, but I ran into a couple of the guys in the band and they asked us to come see them on the tour bus, so we hung out with them until the show started. And seriously, that was the most amazing show I have ever seen....the energy was incredible. It also makes it pretty awesome that they're amazing musicians and Walt (the lead singer) is freakin' nuts... :-) I seriously had such a great time, I didn't care that I had to go in to produce the show the next morning on only 2 hours of sleep. I just drank lots of coffee.
Anyway, if you wanna see the pictures, go to http:// and click on "rock pics" in the sidebar. Those are only the pics that Libby and I took in studio, but Tasha got some from the show that should be posted on her website eventually. Silvertide ROCKS MY FACE OFF!!!! :-)
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