Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Oh my...did I learn anything in college?

Last night, I hooked up the old VCR for a resume tape viewing session. (Connecting the VCR took longer than expected--I had pretty much forgotten how to do it, in this age of DVDs.) My husband had never seen my resume tape that I had to make in my advanced broadcasting class junior year. I wasn't especially proud of it, because I don't think it displayed my best work (it was created in a sort of finals-week rush), but I do remember it being fairly good. I think this is what we called "rosy retrospection" in psychology. The tape gave us a pretty good laugh...and although I think it does lend to the idea that I can handle a camera, my skills in just about everything (audio, on camera presence, script writing, etc) have improved SO much since then. I feel like such an adult now, a professional. I thought I was so grown-up then, it's hard to believe, looking back, that just 2-3 years ago...I was a kid.

I plan on showing the tape to Karen as proof that I can do video work, but with plenty of "don't pay attention to's" and "don't judge me on's."


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