Tuesday, July 20, 2004

My hero!

So Cv is my hero...yes, that's right, CV.  The one and only.  He fixed those crazy comment links.  Now you can comment on the junk I say, as if you'd want to or anything.  So yeah, as we say down here in le baton rouge, GEAUX CV!!!  hehehe, I adore you, even though you are a Yankee...

Thursday, July 15, 2004


Awww man...now I can't figure out the little comments thingy.
CV, if you read this, help me!
Email me or something.  IM me.  I'll give you the password and let you do it if you want. Even if it does make me feel rather...ummm...incompetent.  Yeah.


It's been so long since I've posted, they've gone and changed the entire format on me and now I'm confused.

Darn it all.

But, anyway, I was inspired to begin keeping up with this thing by my good friend CV, who does cool things like actually keep up with his blog.  As if he has anything to say...(love u.  really.)  Not that I have anything to say.  I mean, at least right now.  Well, I have things to say, I'm just too lazy to sit here and say them all.  Sleep sounds like a much more appealing option, so I'm gonna go do some of that.  Yeahhhh...I likey.
So, look forward to hearing from me...often.  Seldom.  On occasion. Something other than never.
Please, try to contain your excitement.  We wouldn't want to stain the rug, now, would we?