Friday, January 28, 2005

Rolling on

Today was quite the day. This morning, I met the casting director for "All the King's Men," and signed up to be considered for the movie. She came on the show with Leo Honeycut, who was dressed in a 40's authentic period suit, complete with a fedora. Definately awesome. Then after them, George Sells was on the show, a news anchor at Channel 9. It was a great opportunity to meet him for both me and Maria, considering we both need connections like that in broadcast.

Now for the downside...I called Norma McCorvey (Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade) for the interview I scheduled with her a couple of days ago...and I couldn't get her. That REALLY sucks, cause now I'm up a creek without a I gotta go BS a story. :-(

Anyway, I'm leaving for Mobile in about 45 and David. :-) We're going to the Senior Bowl with Dad and Corey tomorrow...woohoo, exciting. Doesn't look like too eventful of a weekend, which is good cause I have tons to do and I really need sleep. Cliff will be in Mobile, too, on leave from his base in HAWAII (oooo, tough, so that'll be fun too.

Gotta go push some more B103 buttons...but hey, today was definately worthwhile: we played M.C. Hammer - "Can't Touch This." B103 gets cooler and cooler to me every day. But maybe that's mostly because now I'm ON this station. LOL.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005


I'm not even sure if my thought processes are making any I doubt they'll make sense to anyone else. Nonetheless, I won't feel better until I get it out of me.

As ridiculous as this sounds now that I'm saying it, I feel like I'm losing my best friends. And yes, I do mean more than one. One is getting married, and I can't seem to pin her down for anything...which is understandable, but she does seem to be able to make time for the other best friend that I live with, who she sees more than I do. Now, I know that recently that has been partly my fault, not seeing my roommate much. But if you felt unwanted, and had another place where you felt wanted, where would you spend your time? Really...I live with my best friend. One of the best I've ever had. And I understand that it's okay for friends to get new friends...but I feel that as she has gotten a couple of new friends, I have been put on the back burner. The only interaction I had with her until yesterday really was her complaining about the apartment or telling me what needed to be done or what I had forgotten to do. Then I waited around until 10 p.m. to hang out with them like I had told them I wanted to, then left to go somewhere people were waiting on me and wanted me around. Maybe I'm just being petty and jealous...but I really feel as though lately, the people I care about most are either looking down their nose at me or ignoring me altogether. Even the guy next door who I thought was a close friend has drifted away...with everyone else. I feel as though I'm the only one left behind. And yes, I have been seeing someone. I know I'm not dating until after Mardi Gras, and we havcn't actually been out on a date yet (or at least we haven't been out without other people). My friends would know all about him...if I felt as though he would be accepted the same way I have been in his circle of friends. Jamie told me yesterday that she would love to spend time with us, and we have made a few plans for this week. Me and Jamie...two of the busiest people I know...making time for one another because we care. That's all I'm asking of my friends: make a little time. I've also had no trouble making time to spend with Amanda lately, even if it's just a couple of hours. Really, I'm not angry...just hurt. I don't want to lose the best friends I've ever had. Even though I'm very thankful to have had the opportunity for the new people in my life to enter in, I don't want to forsake the ones I've always loved for something brand new. I know I've told them this before, and I hope I got my point across...because I seem to be having trouble with that right now. It seems as though maybe my roommate sees, because we had a good phone conversation on Sunday. Maybe after this things will improve. I know I need to just spend time with the new friends and get to know them, but it's kinda hard when I'm not invited. Okay, that was a little bitter. Let's just say, I'm willing to try to make time. I'm just asking that I get some time made for me in return.

Even if this didn't make a bit of sense, it feels good to get it off my chest.

Friday, January 14, 2005

Silvertide rocks my face off!

So I got an amazing opportunity Wednesday. One of my all-time favorite bands, SILVERTIDE, came into Baton Rouge to play a show at Clicks! My day with them began around 4:30 in the afternoon when they showed up at the Rock studio, where I was setting up some jambalaya for them. I introduced myself sorta like this: "Hi Walt, I'm Lauren...Hi, Nick, I'm Lauren..." Yeah, I think they figured at first they'd met me last time they came in town, but I wasn't able to come then. Anyway, they did the most amazing acoustic set ever in the rock studio for Tasha's show. Then they signed my cd insert (or whatever it's called). Walt even answered my question about the correlation between their song "Nothing Stays" and Robert Then he told me about his suicidal turtle as he threw the spear at Kevin that he'd taken from the rock studio and would later on use in their, but I digress. So that night, me and my friend Brandon went to the concert. The opening bands pretty much sucked, but I ran into a couple of the guys in the band and they asked us to come see them on the tour bus, so we hung out with them until the show started. And seriously, that was the most amazing show I have ever seen....the energy was incredible. It also makes it pretty awesome that they're amazing musicians and Walt (the lead singer) is freakin' nuts... :-) I seriously had such a great time, I didn't care that I had to go in to produce the show the next morning on only 2 hours of sleep. I just drank lots of coffee.

Anyway, if you wanna see the pictures, go to http:// and click on "rock pics" in the sidebar. Those are only the pics that Libby and I took in studio, but Tasha got some from the show that should be posted on her website eventually. Silvertide ROCKS MY FACE OFF!!!! :-)

Monday, January 03, 2005

Long time, no post

It has been quite a while, but really all that's gone on is holidays. I ate a lot, I slept a lot, I spent a lot of time with my wonderful family...then I worked a lot, then I hung out with my friends a bunch...that's about it. If you wanna see pictures, go to, there's a lot of pics there from different events over the break.

Clay was gone from the show most of the break, which was pretty tough. He came back today, and I had to contain myself from jumping for joy. I also voicetracked my last midday shift on B103, as Libby will be back tomorrow. It was fun, but I wouldn't want to do it every day on top of everything else I do.

I basically posted just to catch up and get myself back into the swing of things, not because I had a whole lot to say. I'll post again when I have some sort of intelligent contribution.