Friday, February 25, 2005

Silvertide rocks my face off....again

So I definately got to hang out with Silvertide again last night, and they are absolutely the coolest band ever. Not only are they totally nice and fun, but they also like Napoleon Dynamite, Anchorman, and Wayne's World; all just bought Mac's and are learning to use protools; and most of all, you can tell that they really love coming to Baton Rouge. The show last night was AMAZING, even though the guys are freakin nuts...well, that's part of what makes the show awesome, too. I have some great pictures of the band in the Rock 93.7 studio that I'll be posting on my photosite soon. Right now, I have a radio show to produce...on two hours of sleep. Woot woot

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

just checking in

I have been so busy lately...I really didn't stop at all until this weekend. Last week was crazy with projects and tests and homework and work and everything... I did land my interview with the former "Jane Roe", and I will either post the story or post the link for the paper in which it is published soon. I have another story due a week from today, so, ummm...wish me luck with that. My ideas thus far have pretty much fallen through.

Anyway, this weekend I finally got a chance to relax. Spent Friday - Sunday straight with David, Sabrina, Brian, and occasionally Kevin (and even more seldom, Anna.) Played lots of ping-pong, twister, chess, and The Sims; made pizza fondue (which was a hit, by the way); gave one rose, and received two; watched the Superbowl; made a fort; sat by a fire; and actually got some sleep. All in all, a fantastic weekend.

Yesterday I did taebo with my roommate Jamie, and it was AWESOME. I think I'm hooked. :-) Jamie and I are going to be so buff and hot for our spring break at the beach! I also got to eat sushi for dinner, and got Renee' to try it. I would have watched "The Notebook" with the girls last night, but it came out on DVD at midnight, and that wouldn't have been possible since I get up between 330 and 4. But, that does mean that "The Notebook" will be at the apartment today, so I can watch it if I want...but really, who wants to watch a cry movie alone? I'll just have to wait and watch it with one of the girls who couldn't make it last night.

On the agenda for today...more taebo...maybe a movie and a nap...and LOTS of homework. And cleaning. Gotta clean up the room, it's terribly messy. But right now, I have a show to produce. :-)