Thursday, September 28, 2006

Nuclear fallout shelter

After watching Jericho last night, I was comforted this morning when I noticed the sign above the door leading to the basement stairs. It said in the typical yellow and black, "Nuclear Fallout Shelter." At least I know that if I get stuck at work after someone nukes us, I'll be safe in the basement...and then all I have to worry about is surviving days on end with my coworkers.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I made my ten percent goal today at Weight Watchers! WOOHOO! Yeah, I'm a little excited. I also got this sweet keychain. Go me.

In other news, the State Fair starts on Friday, which means I'm running the 5K on Saturday. But it also means that Friday I will be eating some deep-fried treat, which will probably feel just great sloshing around in my stomach on Saturday morning...In short, wish me luck.

Here is my current "list of things to be excited about":
  • My first Texas State Fair
  • Losing weight
  • Running a 5K, my first race since the half marathon in December
  • The wedding being only a month and a half away
  • The honeymoon cruise coming right after that
  • The wedding presents we get to open after that
  • Getting new clothes because either a) it's fall, b) I'm going on a cruise, or c) I just really really really really wanted it
  • Just being at home in Dallas this weekend with my fiance

Yeah, I think that's a good list for me to ponder. I think I just felt my self-esteem shoot up a few points. Too bad it wasn't my IQ...but that would be too much to ask for when I'm sitting in the vacant cube-farm.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Random giggle of the day

Nothing is more hokey than watching a musical performance with the sound turned off. Especially when it includes back-up dancers.

Void of thought

As I sit in the void that was once an animated cube farm, I ponder the fact that my brain is being slowly and systematically drained of all the creativity it once possessed. I'm pretty sure the zombies in Dawn of the Dead had more aspiration and depth of character than I do when I'm sitting in my cubular structure. I'm completely convinced that it's the setting and not just me, mostly because I suddenly become my usual, upbeat, starry-eyed, randomly witty self the second I step into the Dallas sunshine around 4:30 p.m.
Everyone here at TDMN who took the buyout have walked out the doors for the last time. It's eerily quiet in here now, save the occasional keyboard tapping and mouse clicking. Sometimes, the few of us who remain chat across the barren landscape of empty cubes. But most of the time, that just seems irreverent, since we wouldn't have done that when there were people in them. Anyway, the occasional conversations do nothing for the vacuum growing where my brain once was.
During the ridiculously long drive to and from Mobile this weekend, David and I listened to Stephen King's new book, Cell, on a mess of burned CDs. In this novel, the world is coming to a devastating end, all because most everyone is turned into zombies. The cause? Cell phones. Sorry, Stephen, but I disagree with you on this one. As annoying as cell phones may be sometimes, they will not be the cause of world-wide destruction. It's going to be the cubes.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Mobile this weekend!

We're leaving for Mobile as soon as we get off work, which will put us getting there at...oh...around 1:00 in the morning. If we hurry. So, I'm looking forward to over 9 hours in a car with my fiance the dogs, listening to Stephen King's "Cell" book-on-CD, eating pseudo-junk foods that are Weight Watcher friendly, and all in all trying not to lose my mind. After this weekend, however, I will have: a) a better idea of what kind of miracle they'll be pulling to get me into my wedding dress; b) a lot of really great engagement photos; and c) enough time with the fam to satisfy both me and them for another month. Cross your fingers, and I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I got a gold star today!

Okay, first some background. In case you didn't know, I've been trying to lose weight since I got engaged. I had really gained some weight in college, and I had gained more after the marathon (recovery is like that sometimes...), so I decided that now was time to lose it...again. I was heavier in high school, then lost 35 lbs. my senior year. Well, it is time to do it again, but this time with some help. I joined Weight Watchers at work on July 26. Today, I got another gold star for losing another 5 lbs, putting me at a total loss of 16.6 pounds in 7 weeks. Very awesome. It's especially awesome since my wedding dress is coming in as a size 8...(see my post below about that for more info...) Maybe if I lose enough before the wedding, I won't have to be afraid of the alterations that will have to be made to my dress. Also, I really want to look good in that Victoria's Secrets bikini on the honeymoon. And there's always the added incentive of being able to hold my own in another race...I'm thinking of starting slow with something easy, like the Big Tex 5K. Anyone interested?

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

My toes

Today, there was very little to do around the office. At least, for me there was very little to do. And apparently the same was true for Alberto, which isn't surprising because he is leaving in about a week. So this morning, we went for a walk over to the aquarium and back. Not for any reason, really. Just to walk. It was very refreshing when we went, but now, after accompanying Mindy to video the intersection where a cop gave her an undeserved ticket, my toes hurt. I mean, really. They're screaming in agony to be released from the size 9 torture chambers I call shoes. But of course, a professional would never remove her shoes at work. Good thing my professionalism has never gotten in the way of my toes' comfort.

Monday, September 11, 2006

It's raining, it's pouring...and we're not working

If you haven't heard, most of Northeast Texas is in the middle of a pretty awful drought. (And really, if you haven't heard, you should be reading more So this afternoon, all of us here at TDMN websites are sitting in our cubes when we hear a rumble outside, and see the sky go dark. Then the big Texas sky lets loose with torrential rainfall that lasts all of 10 minutes. But of course, that does not stop us from dropping everything for 10 minutes to go to the big windows in the back and watch people run from the park across the street. Life is just that interesting here at TDMN, that the entire office is amused by a little water and some scrambling tourists.

I e-mail this little scenario to my fiance, who replies with this: "Well, we just had a 15 minute discussion about whether or not Napolean Dynamite was famous for his tether ball skills in the movie."

At least my distraction was environmentally friendly.

In case you were wondering...

I posted the photos from my trip to Mobile. Check out all the wedding-planning hometown family goodness on my photosite.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Love and hate are completely relative

I've decided that I don't love my job anymore. In order for me to love doing something, it's required that I be good at it. I'm not necessarily good at this. I mean, I'm okay. Just about anyone can edit bits of code on the level I am. Maybe I'm just getting burned out. I've ctrl+V'd until my pinky screams in agony. I get nauseous thinking about adding more tags. I'm just burned out. The crazy thing about it: I really miss radio. Not Cita-hell; oh no. Radio. Why? Because I was good at it. I mean, hella good. I rocked the house. I miss being amazingly, awe-inspiringly good at my job. And that's being modest. What I don't miss is getting paid barely enough to eat. People at McDonald's were making more cash than me in any given week. So, when given the option...yeah, for right now at least...I'll take the money and run.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

There is hope...perhaps

House of Brides will be ordering me *THE* dress...but in a size 8. That's because the only dress of that kind in that color in the entire country is that particular size 8. So, the seamstress is going to turn it into something I will look gorgeous in--for free. Let's just hope that the combination of me losing weight (14 lbs so far!) and the seamstress working her magic will result in utter gorgeousness. I hope that for them as well, since I'm not accepting anything less...

News judgement 101

Since I work at, I spend a very large amount of time on our website. It may as well be a job requirement, you know. Well, today I came across a story that seemed pretty standard, until the end. I question the reporter's journalistic ethics a bit in this one. It's a story about a high school student who was beaten and injured by 20 other high schoolers. Seems like the standard this-is-what-we-think-happened type of story until the end. This sentence throws me off as I read it: "Mr. Faram is a member of Woodrow's Variations choir and last year won a Napoleon Dynamite charity look-alike contest." Now tell me truthfully, does that really have anything to do with the fact that this kid got his ass kicked by 20 other kids? Is the guy trying to say that he's a good kid, or is he trying to say that he's a nerd and may have warranted a good ass-kicking? This doesn't add anything to the who, what, why, where, how context of this story. It doesn't help flesh it out, if you will. I think it just patronizes the poor kid. Why couldn't they say something else about him? I'm sure those aren't the only facts they could get about him. He's probably embarrassed enough that he had this happen to him, and they're going to throw that in as a kind of, "by the way..."? It's completely unnecessary to the context of the story, even if it is something that's common knowledge. Yet another reason why they need me writing for them instead of adding tags to HTML...

The battle is being waged as we speak...

The House of Brides friendly professional bridal consultant person never did call me back yesterday. So my mother, being the strong, competent, somewhat demanding woman she is, decided that she would call the owners and see what's up. The great thing about that is that my mom knows them; in fact, she teaches their kids at school. Oh, I hope they have an answer for mother doesn't take these matters lightly, these matters being those of the wedding and those involving large amounts of time and money. Yeah, the stakes are high. They'd better get me my dress in time--or else. House of Brides, you're going down!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Now I know why they say weddings are hard to plan...

I get a call from House of Brides today around noon, which I was expecting, since I was there this weekend purchasing *THE* dress. Yes, it was the one from the newspaper article. Here's a photo of me in it, with my maid of honor Amanda.
Isn't it gorgeous? I thought so too, which is why I got my bridesmaid's dresses and tuxes there in order to get this normally expensive dress 1/2 off. Well, the phone call wasn't a pleasant one. My amazing bridal consultant person from the House of Brides told me that my Maggie Sottero "Porsha" gown in diamond white was not going to be able to be shipped in time for my wedding. They do, however, have the gown in a size 8 or the color "light gold" if I would like that instead. Since there's no way I'm squeezing into an 8 (which by wedding dress standards is actually a 6) by my wedding day, and my mom considers wearing the color light gold down the aisle equivalent to stamping "whore" on my forehead for the wedding, I'm at a bit of an impasse. Fortunately, there is still a chance that they can find the dress in just plain white, which is fine with me, since a plain old white colored dress is better than no dress at all. I'm still waiting for the phone call to tell me whether or not it's something they can do, which means I'm waiting to find out whether or not I should spend the rest of the evening grocery shopping or crying my eyes out with Ben & Jerry. Keep your fingers crossed...although the ice cream still sounds good no matter how the situation turns out, doesn't it?