Young ears
So either I'm losing my mind, or everyone in my office is...old.
There is a noise. A high-pitched buzzing sound that I've pretty much determined is coming from the fluorescent light bulb above my head. It's really annoying, and it's starting to give me a headache. The problem is, no one else can hear it. Maybe it's like that ring tone that only people under 30 can hear. At 23, I'm the youngest of my coworkers, who are all late 20's or older. I would call maintenance to fix the light, but there's no way the maintenance guy could hear the noise anyway--he's got to be in his 50's, and he has trouble hearing me when I talk at
a reasonable volume. I should call in one of the interns to see if they hear it, since they're some of the only people my age around here nowadays.
*Sigh.* For now, I guess it's back on with the headphones.